Advertising is one thing which has become a necessity for everybody in today’s day to day life, be it the producer, the traders, or the customer.
Advertising has become an important part of today’s age of competition and therefore business usually introduce objectives. Let’s take a look on these various types of these objectives;
1. Trial: the companies which are in their introduction stage generally work for this objective. The trial objective is one which involves convincing the customers to buy the new product introduced in the market. Here, the advertisers use flashy and attractive ads to make customers take a look on the products and purchase for trials.
2. Continuity: this objective is concerned about keeping the existing customers to stick on to the product. The advertisers here generally keep on bringing something new in the product and the advertisement so that the existing customers keep buying their products.
3. Brand switch: this objective is basically for those companies who want to attract the customers of the competitors. Here, the advertisers try to convince the customers to switch from the existing brand they are using to their product.
4. Switching back: this objective is for the companies who want their previous customers back, who have switched to their competitors. The advertisers use different ways to attract the customers back like discount sale, new advertise, some reworking done on packaging, etc.
Advertising is one thing which has become a necessity for everybody in today’s day to day life, be it the producer, the traders, or the customer.
So how is advertising necessary to everyone. Let’s have a look;
1. Advertising is important for the customers
Just imagine television or a newspaper or a radio channel without an advertisement! No, no one can any day imagine this. Advertising plays a very important role in customers life. Customers are the people who buy the product only after they are made aware of the products available in the market. If the product is not advertised, no customer will come to know what products are available and will not buy the product even if the product was for their benefit. One more thing is that advertising helps people find the best products for themselves, their kids, and their family. When they come to know about the range of products, they are able to compare the products and buy so that they get what they desire after spending their valuable money. Thus, advertising is important for the customers.
2. Advertising is important for the society
Advertising helps educating people. There are some social issues also which advertising deals with like child labour, liquor consumption, girl child killing, smoking, family planning education, etc. thus, advertising plays a very important role in society.
For a small business owner, advertising can be of advantage in the following ways;
• provide basic information such as your contact details and website address
• increase sales by telling potential customers about your product or service
• tell customers about changes to your service, new product launches, special offers and improvements
• stimulate specific action - perhaps getting customers to visit your premises or website, or use a discount voucher by a specified time
• remind existing customers about your business
• change people's attitudes and perceptions of your business
• help to create or develop a distinctive brand for your business
• generate awareness of your business
• develop a particular market position
For a small business owner, the main characteristics one should have to get on their objectives and achieve all advantages are, great communication skills and very good convincing power only.
By Sheba Joy