Thursday, 28 January 2016


Do you think and expect defeat? Well, stop and consider! Thinking defeat only brings it up on you rather than take it. Talk positivity to yourself; re-educate yourself; get yourself out of the habit of negative thinking, believe nothing can defeat you. Be a winner at all times.

You are what you think and that is one of the most important facts about yourself. William James stated, “The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of the mind.” Get rid of your worn out, negative thoughts and become a positive thinker

Trust yourself for you cannot be successful or happy without confidence in your own powers and abilities. It is important to have a positive evaluation of yourself because it greatly determines how much you are to achieve. Thoughts have power. You can think yourself into or out of situations so always endeavor to think positively.

The Kyusa experience is about positivity, looking within oneself and excavating that passion that is deeply buried; it’s about building onto what already exists and affirming it.  Positivity is an aspect of Self management: this is a core aspect of the Kyusa curriculum covering self esteem, self evaluation, self confidence to mention but a few. Please join us on this journey to self discovery. We believe in you!

Thursday, 21 January 2016

The Graduate Syndrome

It happens to be graduation week for the main university in Uganda.  Jubilation is in the air, joy in every corner, and traffic on every street as drivers hustle to find their way into the great Makerere University.  Celebrations will go on for a whole week only for most of the graduates to later get in touch with the reality that the market does not have as many slots to employ as many graduates as the universities produce.

With our universities continuing to produce thousands of graduates annually, Uganda whose 78% of the population is below the age of thirty continues to suffer high rates of youth unemployment ranging up to 62% according to Action Aid and 83% according to African Development Bank. Ironically, Uganda has the highest level of entrepreneurship in the world scoring as high as 28.1% according to lioness of Africa Magazine.

The competing unemployment rates raise a lot of questions given the high entrepreneurship rates in the country. Many have attributed it to the fact that most of the enterprises that are started are small and medium enterprises that have the capacity of employing only up to a maximum of three individuals and unfortunately not being able to live up to their third birth. These businesses fail due to many reasons some of which is the fact that most are started as a consequence of failure to attain employment and not out of undying passion.

This Implies an urge to encourage young people to develop passion driven careers and businesses in order to enable them live through the years.This failure has also greatly been attributed to the lack of knowledge on business development such as business planning, promotion basics, start up stimulation and many others. This calls for intervention of the government to amend the formal education curriculum or rather support institutions and organizations that are training young people with this knowledge.

Research by the Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) shows that 63% of the employers in Uganda are dissatisfied with the graduates that are produced by the higher institutions of learning in Uganda because the graduates do not have the necessary hands on employable skills required to fit in their work environments. Furthermore, the research revealed that skills like professional etiquette, professional writing and many others are often ignored while at universities. It is therefore important to train young people in these soft and employable skills that will enable them strive in the market.

Kyusa looks to empower Out of school youth in urban slums and villages with these employable skills, life skills and entrepreneurship skills including business development in a bid to address lack of economic opportunity by reducing the rate of youth unemployment especially among the out of school youth who have for long been forgotten. We turn their mindsets of hopelessness to hope by encouraging them to take on passion driven careers that are able to earn them a living.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Nurturing Evolution

Affirmation is one of the best gifts that can be given to a girl; it is intangible but produces fruit. To affirm in The Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary `` is to state formally or confidently that something is true or correct.’’

Annet like any other 18 year old desired to be affirmed by her loved ones but all she heard was how worthless and stupid she was and the fact that she will never amount to anything because she didn`t top her class. The family decided her fate by discontinuing her from joining high school after secondary because in their opinion she wasn`t worth the effort.

Her esteem was totally crushed when her mother decided to send her to Kampala to become a house help however an uncle in the city who had heard about Kyusa from a friend decided to give Annet one more chance and enrolled her into kyusa.

She has evolved like a caterpillar into an enthusiastic and confident girl through the 8 week Kyusa program. She has blossomed in her speech and can express herself to others and be heard as every girl`s right to expression in a manner that can be understood. During the 8 week Kyusa program affirmation and communication skills are emphasized to boost the confidence of the participants.

Annet is currently taking hair dressing classes and plans to establish a state of the art saloon back in her village; she intends to offer services to her home town where demand for the hair services is high. She will be one of the very few hairdressers that serve her community.

Finding self is work, yet we are convinced that a better version of Annet’s story is possible for more youths. We seek your partnership in making this exploratory experience possible and pleasant; we implore you to enlist with us in 2016 as we work with 200 youths on a journey of discovery.

We are always glad to hear from you, email us -