Every leader at some point is faced with the decision making
challenge; having to choose what alternative to take. This can be in
families, organisations, meetings, nations and even the world at large. Therefore
below are some of the sources of data
that may be of help as you make different decisions;
First and fore most,you
need to know and act on your personal convictions-what you believe.
Sometimes you need to have the courage to carry out your promptings , even when
you might not understand them fully, and also when your team questions your
wisdom as a leader.
Second you need to be a calculated risk taker. This can be
done well through consulting your mentors or your morale informers who are able to
increase or decrease your risk level according to your need. This is mainly
because excellence is honorable and inspires people as we make decisions along
our leadership journey.
Finally,the the other important source of data is pain that
is from previous experiences. Bill Hybels says that ,``one of the greatest importances
of experience is that it provides veteran leaders with a “pain file” of
raw-edged memories. ‘’The lessons gathered in this file help leaders to
discern the level of potential pain inherent in any new idea. Hence pain is a
powerful teacher and a fantastic informer to our decision making process.
Therefore, we implore you to partner with Kyusa in empowering Ugandan youth with decision making skills through the self management model so that
we are able to better leaders for today and tomorrow who will effectively make the right decisions
pertaining to development of our country and economy.