Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Kyusa Takes Part In ICT Subgroup Meeting

The Executive Director attended the meeting for the ICT4D under the theme “Tactics to get your content right and hook the right audience”. The ICT4D is a subgroup under the National youth working group that meets every two months. The August meeting was hosted at the KCCA employment service bureau.

The major highlight of the meeting was the new leadership and this could be seen by the excitement on the faces of the members as the new chairperson was giving her remarks. She urged the members of the subgroup to be as supportive and collaborative as possible so as to enable the group move forward. She further went on to acknowledge the challenge ahead of her and promised to do her very best.

The presentations kicked off with a presentation from David Auma Balikowa senior, media personnel and also one of the founders of the department of mass communications at Makerere University. He emphasized the need to understand the audience and rather not only focus on the content which he said was a major mistake made by most communicators. He enriched the group with a few tactics on hooking the right audience such as finding out what the audience already knows and using it as a baseline to identify what should be communicated and also finding common characteristics between different audiences.

Pamela from CDFU presented their experiences with radio dramas and how they have managed to get the right content and hook the right audience. She highlighted some of the successful radio drama programmes which include Rock point 256. She shared with the group members some of the tactics they use to get to their audiences and these include; focus group discussions, questionnaires and face to face interactions with the audiences.

Patricia Kahill from Kahill Insights crowned the presentations with a presentation on forming online communities. The energy filled bachelor’s degree holder in development studies equipped the members with knowledge of how to know who is talking about them on social media and also advised them to find out the pages their followers do follow so as to know which type of people they are dealing with and what information they need. She emphasized that the most important thing was being known on social media and it was on that note that she advised the members not to pay a lot of attention to the number of followers but rather to the number of post reaches.

The ICT4D meeting was a great learning and networking opportunity for Kyusa and we are proud to be part of this growing youth movement in Uganda. 

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