Thursday, 5 May 2016


 ``The greatest enemy of great is good,’’ your greatest enemy is yourself; the voice within that keeps telling you to be like other people. You then end up trying to be like others and live a mediocre life. You even labor so hard to dress like them, speak, walk and even produce the exact products when it comes to business.

A Congolese proverb says, “wood may remain ten years in water, but it will never become a crocodile.” You can never change who you are but can ignore it. You only declare yourself a slave when you decide to depend on other people’s opinions to drive your life instead of focusing on your creativity that God created you with.

If you have no plans for yourself, you shall only be part of other people’s plans which defies the greatness you ought to display. Trying to copy other people’s lifestyles has killed originality which would have birthed all good things according to John Stuart Mill. You need to resist imitation and live the unlimited life. You must learn to be yourself in everything that you do.

Imitation is limitation and no one ever becomes great by imitation. You therefore need to make your own impression and dare to be who you are in leadership, entrepreneurship, business, employment.
At Kyusa, we take the youth through modules like self management, planning, business development, creativity and innovation. We encourage our change agents to discover who they are so that they are able to serve their unique gifts to the world and live life out of their unique ability.

Therefore, let us partner in this venture of raising passion driven change agents who desire to be great by being who they are.

The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change…….Carl Rogers

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