Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Bookkeeping as a new tradition

Bookkeeping mainly refers to keeping of accounts and all the information regarding the transactions and financial activities of a business. Bookkeeping basically keeps track of the performance of ones business. It should be a major practice to not only organize a business’ management but also prepare for the future. Record keeping  helps analyze your business’ profitability and the losses made. It can help you stay out of trouble with tax authorities, maintain positive relationships with clients and vendors and also to legally protect your business.

Certain records are key to your business and hold importance to the smooth run of your finances. For example, contracts. If your business provides a service, you should sign a contract with your client every time you begin doing business with a new person or company. If you provide a product, you may have contracts with suppliers and distributors. And if you have employees or contractors, you’ll definitely want to draw up work contracts. All this are records that would prove important to of use to your company.

As for smaller businesses and individuals, you’ll usually need to bring your own contract to the table. Before you open for business, you should create a standard contract that lays out the basic areas you want to cover in every business agreement, such as time frame, pay and job specifics. Your contract may also cover issues such as confidentiality, records, liability and ownership of work product. You will want to fashion the contract to each business agreement you create, hence making business easier for you.

The other kinds of records are client files. It’s important to keep a record of the work you’ve done and the business agreements you’ve made in case you or the other party has a question after the fact. Also, sometimes you can use past assignments and agreements to inform future ones, saving you time. Client files are also a good place to store notes about a client’s preferences or anything else unique to that client that you want to remember.

Lastly the other kinds of records are accounting and tax records. These are documents that show the expenditure and earnings of the company. If your business has complicated financial records or if you want to be able to prepare financial statements with the click of a button, business accounting software such as Quick Books can be a big help. Be warned, though, that to use business accounting software accurately and effectively requires some accounting knowledge. If you don’t know what debits, credits and journal entries are, this software may just cause you headaches. You can always keep records by hand or by spreadsheet. In many cases, spreadsheet software can serve all of your accounting needs at least while your business is small.

Therefore, record keeping can save you from loss and high credit debts and should be a new practice all Ugandans should take heed in for the betterment of their businesses.

By Sheba Joy
Kyusa Intern

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