Wednesday, 24 February 2016


Two roads diverged in the woods. I chose the one less travelled……… (Robert Frost)

In life we are often plagued by doubts concerning what we ought to do. We are afraid of stepping out of our comfort zones. We say things like; it has never been done before, how will I be viewed, who will help me and so on and so forth.

We are comfortable in following others and not taking the lead. “you do not have to reinvent the wheel” is the famous saying. As a result we do not see any more originality but duplication. We would rather ‘improve’ on someone else’s work than come up with a totally new concept.

The road less travelled is lonely, risky, bumpy and full of challenges. It takes a rare measure of determination for one to take it. It is not for the faint hearted, the fearful or undecided.  It takes conviction and commitment to be able to travel this road. It is for those who want to stand out and not blend in. It is taken by those who know that they are called to make a difference in whatever field they are currently in.  The fuel for this journey is passion; a burning desire, that consumes your every fear and uncertainty.

Great innovators that history boasts of today were men and women of passion, these people were not afraid to be different. They faced criticism and some were ostracized from society. This did not deter them. If anything, their rejection was their determination. Their motivation was not based on people’s approval. It was intrinsic. They lived the principle of ‘begin with the end in mind’. The joy that was set before them was greater than the persecution they faced. They chose the road less travelled and left an indelible mark because of their tenacity.

I challenge you today to follow your passion and take the lead.  Do not settle for the comfort zone and neither should you blend in. There is a whole world out there waiting to be discovered and explored. Stand out-DARE TO BE DIFFERENT.

At Kyusa, we empower a passion driven generation that will be change agents wherever they go. We do not give you passion but help you identify your passion and encourage you to put it to constructive use so as to better your life and the community around you. 

…..and that made all the difference.

1 comment:

  1. ``I challenge you today to follow your passion and take the lead.''----powerful statement.
