young is unique, it is special, it is exciting. I had an epic time as a young
boy; having all the time in the world to worry about sweets and games. I still
recall how we competed to identify the steepest hills so we could slide down
the slopes in half-cut plastic cans. I did not know until 20 years later that
this is when my mind expanded and formed patterns that allow me to make sense
of my present day world.
being a youth is a different story; this is the transition phase between
dependence and independence. When we form our own hopes, choose our own paths,
weave our own dreams, of course, with the promise of the requisite support and
framework, we become creatures that thrive on possibilities. Youths and young
adults brim with potential and the radiance of knowing that they are growing
into something is unmistakable.
has claimed the title of being ‘The youngest country in Africa’ and is facing
daunting challenges of youth unemployment and school drop-out. Reports suggest
that the prospects of these groups are at best threatened. Their radiance of
growing into something is continually dimmed by elusive opportunities, inadequate
skills among others. In the absence of appropriate interventions we risk having
a generation whose future is mortgaged by policy failures and malfunctioning
education systems.
is where intervention programs like Kyusa come in. We partner with youths in
urban and rural slums to help them create passion-driven sustainable careers through
an 8-weeks program. Youths are empowered with employable skills and
entrepreneurship skills to solve the lack of economic opportunities. We know that no country has better
possibilities than those of its young population. What is possible for the
12-30 years old youths composing 80% of Uganda’s population is exactly what is
possible for Uganda.
generation is better than its teachers. We welcome you to help us become better
teachers to our youth.
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